Audrey L. Holm

Click here for my CV  

Email me: holm at

I am an Assistant Professor in the Management & Human Resources Department at HEC Paris. I primarily adopt an ethnographic approach to reflect on how people experience and relate to their work, organizations and occupations.

My research focuses on individual, relational and occupational dynamics, with a particular interest in topics related to inclusion and social change. In my dissertation, I examined the work of counselors specialized in helping formerly incarcerated jobseekers. 

I was a finalist in the INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition and for the Academy of Management's Louis Pondy Best Dissertation Paper Award, and was the recipient of Questrom’s 2020 Award for Outstanding Research by a Doctoral Student. I currently serve on Organization Science's Editorial Review Board. 

I hold a PhD in Management & Organizations from Boston University’s Questrom School of Business and a Master of Business Administration from ESSEC Business School in Paris, France. Prior to my doctoral studies, I worked as an operations manager, business development manager and consultant in the public transportation industry. 


Holm, Audrey L., Bella T. Fong and Michel Anteby (2024). The Perils of Voice Veneer: The Case of Disneyland Puppeteers’ Unionization Efforts. Academy of Management Discoveries. In-Press. 

Anteby, Michel* and Audrey L. Holm* (2021). Translating Expertise across Work Contexts: U.S. Puppeteers Move from Stage to ScreenAmerican Sociological Review. 86 (2): 310-340  

              *Equal contribution of authors

Grodal, Stine, Michel Anteby and Audrey L. Holm (2021). Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis: The Role of Active Categorization in Theory Building. Academy of Management Review. 46 (3): 591-612 

              Click here for Stine Grodal's interview about this paper in the AMR Origins Series Episode 3. 

Research in progress

Holm, A. L. "How conditionality helps uphold definitions of expertise: the case of prisoner reentry” (preparing for submission)

–      Finalist for the Academy of Management OMT Louis Pondy Best Dissertation Paper Award

–      Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (top 10% of annual conference submissions)

–      Finalist for the INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition

Ladge, Jamie, Gabriel Sala and Audrey L. Holm "Review on Reentry" (R&R)

Holm, A. L. and Kim Rocheville  “Job Readiness” in Reentry Work (data analysis)


Holm, A. L. “Understanding the experiences of formerly incarcerated jobseekers with work reentry organizations” (data analysis) 

Overview of Research Interests

My research lies at the intersection of three main topics: labor market dynamics and inequality, the changing nature of work and occupations, and relationships at work. I mostly take an ethnographic approach in my research and enjoy reflecting on qualitative methods more broadly. 

Labor Market Challenges,  Inequality and Social Change

In my dissertation, I examine how workforce intermediaries - individuals who support jobseekers in their job search - help their unemployed clients. I analyze interviews, observations and archives associated with back-to-work programs for formerly incarcerated people. This work fits in a broader research agenda examining labor market dynamics, career transitions, social change and inequality. 

Shifting Occupational Dynamics

 As employment structures become more flexible and new technologies continue to shape the workplace, individuals are adjusting their knowledge, expertise and practices to new models of work. I especially focus on how individuals experience the changes and challenges that occur in their occupations.

Relationships, Meaning and Change

I am particularly interested in how relationships at work affect individuals' willingness and ability to change their environment, as well as their responses to hardships and change.  This theoretical interest is influenced by scholarship on relationships at work, counter-normative behaviors and  the meaning of work.